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Worn Out Leaders

Erin Seheult

I don’t know about y’all, but I’m feeling tired.

Tired of trying to keep ahead of what may or may not be coming in the future.

Tired of making sure resources are up to snuff for my team and our constituents.

Tired of navigating systems that are overloaded and sometimes not available.

Tired of seeking ways to engage and retain employees.

Tired of constant energy requirements.

I’m just tired.

And I know I’m not the only one. Many leaders are feeling the crunch.

This is a perfect storm of uncertainty, radical changes in service and support requirements, and lack of refreshment opportunities.

In short, leaders feel the need to work harder, faster, smarter, and all without a break to recharge.

What are leaders to do when they are worn out?

First and foremost, worn out leaders must make time to refresh. No one can sustain full throttle continuously.

If you’re like many leaders, you had to cancel vacation plans this year, thanks to Covid-19. You may have had time off work, but with many places closed, you likely had a staycation that was reduced to cleaning out the garage or the hall closet. No chance to really unplug.

To work through being worn out, your body needs a different rhythm; an intentional disconnected space of time.

Likely, all your internal battery needs is a full, uninterrupted recharging opportunity.

There are many struggling organizations happy to provide a get-away with important precautions for reduced rates. Take advantage of this and carve out a long weekend away with your loved ones.

Even one night away from the usual pace and interruptions can make a difference.

When you return from your protected break time, ask yourself this important question to know if there is something deeper that needs to be addressed:

  • Am I passionate about what I do?

If you can answer in the positive, continue moving forward and schedule an intentional get-away every 8-12 weeks to keep your batteries recharged.

If you cannot answer yes to that question, you must go deeper to answer the worn out question. Talk to someone, journal your thoughts, if possible schedule a longer break.

You aren’t useful to yourself or your organization being worn out.

Focus on you so you can be with your team and your organization successfully.

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